Cloud IPAM with Azure

Cloud IPAM for Microsoft Azure.

Make the most of Azure with Micetro by Men&Mice, the only Microsoft-preferred solution for DNS, DHCP, and IPAM on the Azure Marketplace.

Migrate to the cloud easily and efficiently.

Making the move to a cloud platform such as Azure has a reputation for being complex, expensive, and cumbersome. Capitalizing on the cloud is a priority for enterprises challenged by infrastructure sprawl, segmented projects, and mergers & acquisitions, but implementation is often hindered.

Men&Mice can alleviate those issues and create a straightforward path to cloud migration.

As an overlay solution deployed non-destructively, Micetro doesn’t restructure existing network infrastructure but facilitates communication between platforms. By treating all network resources, regardless of location, as equals, Micetro opens opportunities for migration at whatever pace is comfortable for the business.

How to make the most of Azure with Men&Mice?

Men&Mice takes pride for its deep-running synergy with the Microsoft ecosystem — Micetro was the first IPAM solution to fully integrate with Azure Active Directory. While Azure provides resilience, scaling, and security, Men&Mice helps to resolve obstacles in the forms of migration costs, lack of compatibility between services, and loss of control.

Men&Mice has a long history of technical compatibility with Microsoft products – including being the first vendor to offer Azure DNS third party support. This, combined with our presence in the Azure Marketplace, as well as our burgeoning business relationship through Microsoft’s Co-Sell program, means accessing the benefits of both Azure and Men&Mice has never been simpler.

Migrate workloads to Microsoft Azure.
Micetro provides enterprise-grade DNS and IP management that scales with Azure and leverages all network investments.

    Why Azure?

    For those already deeply reliant on Microsoft software (but also for those who aren’t) Azure offers convenient workflows and an array of resources in its Marketplace. Its global infrastructure is backed by Microsoft. More and more Fortune 100-500-1000 companies, education and research institutions, and governmental municipalities (to name just a few) are discovering the value Azure brings to the table.

    Scaling and migrating your on-prem Microsoft-based corporate network to Azure is not only beneficial on many levels but also simple with Micetro by Men&Mice.

    Micetro by Men&Mice

    Micetro by Men&Mice is a transformation-ready, automation-enabled, comprehensive DDI solution.

    Learn more

    IPAM with Men&Mice

    Gain a complete overview of your network and prevent downtime caused by IP conflicts and misconfiguration with the powerful IPAM tools in Micetro by Men&Mice.

    IP address management

    Cloud IPAM and DHCP management

    Micetro by Men&Mice offers unified views, integrated management, visibility and secure monitoring of all network spaces.

    Learn more about IPAM & DCHP servers

    Unlock your network potential with Micetro.

    Request a live demo