The future of networks starts with us.

Our sustainable DDI (DNS, DHCP, and IPAM) solutions help enterprises to be more efficient, connected, and secure.

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What we do

We are experts in network management.

At Men&Mice, we unlock your network sustainability and build software that makes managing complex corporate networks simple and easy.

Micetro by Men&Mice was the strongest option. Engineers have been wanting a product like this for years. It gives us the granularity necessary for all of our IT groups to participate without stepping on each other’s toes.

Ford Boswell
Senior infrastructure manager, HD Supply

Why choose Micetro by Men&Mice?

Your single source of truth

Control all your DDI, whether on-premise, in the cloud, or at the edge, through a single channel.

Deploy it in minutes

Our unique overlay solution means you can keep running while Micetro unobtrusively pulls data from your network.

Automate easily

Use the robust API to unlock DevOps capabilities for modern automation in your networks.

Scale to your liking

Whether you run a simple corporate intranet or a global network, Micetro will adapt to your needs.

Leverage multicloud

Enjoy native integration with cloud providers to enjoy unmatched network compatibility and availability.

Protect against DDoS

Redundant, platform-agnostic DNS management keeps your critical zone data safe and available.

We are trusted by

Men&Mice included in Gartner Solution Comparison.

Gartner recommends Men&Mice as one of the top 4 DDI solutions in the market. Men&Mice scored 18 out of 28 "high" assessment criteria ratings that included Platform & Deployment, Operations, Automation and Cloud, and Resilience, ahead of market leaders.

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Micetro is the Microsoft preferred solution.

Using an overlay solution for your DNS, DHCP, and IPAM (DDI) services will take your Microsoft DDI solutions to the next level with better IP address management, DDI services all in one place, granular access control, and extended capabilities with other non-Microsoft platforms.

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From network to net worth

Get there faster.

Automate processes, migrate resources and reduce operational costs with Micetro by Men&Mice, a DDI (DNS, DHCP and IPAM) orchestrator solution.

Micetro by Men&Mice

Manage operations in any complex on-premise, hybrid, or multicloud network environment, whether centralized or distributed, in the core or on the edge.

DNS Management

DNS is the nerve center of your sophisticated and complex enterprise network, and Micetro by Men&Mice helps you run it smoothly.


Gain a complete overview of your network and prevent downtime caused by IP conflicts and misconfiguration with the powerful IPAM tools in Micetro by Men&Mice.

Network Security

Build enterprise-grade security with real-time synchronization, advanced disaster recovery, sophisticated reporting, and granular access controls for critical network components.

Virtual Appliances

Complement and support network strategies without the limitations and vulnerabilities of hardware components with unlimited virtual DNS and DHCP appliances.


Equip your staff with the tools, knowledge, foresight to elevate your network — take full advantage of our expert resources based on 30 years' worth of experience and daily practice.


How we can help.

Benefit from expert technical support, consulting, training, and certification programs aimed at a wide range of industries to help you succeed in a cloud-first world.

Running the organization?

Gain cost-saving network efficiency and help your business grow with Micetro by Men&Mice. Cut your operational expenses through network automation, elimination of downtime, and accelerated workflows.

Join the best of the world in better networking

Supervising network teams?

Enjoy cutting your people some slack with an all-in-one UI view and control of your DNS, DHCP, and IP addresses and fully integrated IPAM and DNS manageability in the cloud.

Find out how to make the most of your network

Managing the network?

Stay on top of your network security and performance with advanced visibility, automation, and secure control across the most extensive range of platform support on the DDI market.

Learn what helps the best network engineers every day

Success story

Banking on automation.

By deploying and integrating Micetro by Men&Mice with their existing infrastructure, the OeNB network systems engineers improved systems scalability, added search functions and automatic error checking, achieved automation and consolidation of their teams' IP documentation, tracking and management, while preserving the network environment and the OeNB system of management.

The solution integrates into the way we work. Teams have more freedom to get on with their daily tasks. They don’t have to ask for permission or wait for help to do what needs to be done, yet they can only work on the parts of the network they’ve been assigned.

Thomas Zenz
Engineer, OeNB





Find out how organizations, from Fortune 100 enterprises and governments to universities and hospitals around the globe are using Micetro by Men&Mice for their sustainable DNS, DHCP and IP Address Management (DDI).

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Unlock your network potential.

Discover what effortless migration feels like. Free for 30 days.

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